Into the Wild

I feel like every character on this show needs to learn and always chant, “Damon is right! Damon is always right!” They all need to get over their pointless opinions of each other and start working together, and this episode tells us how important that task truly is.

My Bad :/

I realize that I am a few episodes behind with my updates, but I am back :D. I got some cool videos to upload as a sorry, and an interesting tell on our old friend Matthew Davis who played Alaric Saltzman. Check out the video to see what I mean 🙂

O Come, All Ye Faithful

Is anyone as sad/pissed/frustrated as I am? I was in tears when Damon broke things off with Elena, I knew he was going to do it but I was hoping we would get a Delena season. But I’m guess all bets are off for that thanks to water-mouth Caroline :@ I couldn’t understand how what Elena did with Damon was any of her or Stefan’s business! I get she was his ex girlfriend, but he really needs to let go before I strangle him in my mind. The fact that Elena had feelings for Damon was very clear, and he knows that Damon is in love with Elena. Guess our good-hearted Stefan can be a jerk and a selfish maniac all at the same time as well. The only thing that was relationship based during this episode that made me happy was the fact that Jeremy and Bonnie have finally admitted that they still have feelings for each other. Yes they never actually said the words, but we all know it’s going to happen. I really wanted Caroline to beat the hell out of Tyler after the jacked up stunt he pulled. When he took her and Stefan and threatened them with his ‘pack’ I wanted to take his god like features and crush them. This episode was messed up in so many ways. I loved Klause every little bit of it and I couldn’t help but be on his side when he went all vengeful on us 😀 I get that maybe him killing Tyler’s mom was a bit much, but I have to admit it gets the message across. I’m really curious about the Prof and his plans. He is sketchy that’s for sure, but something about him makes me wonder what the coming episodes have in store. I mean thing about it, we’ve only seen nine episodes and we’ve already established Jeremy as a crazy, Elena as lost, Stefan as annoying; jealous; controlling, and Damon as a fake know it all. I’m quite looking forward to the coming episodes because our little April has finally put herself to some use and freed Rebekah 🙂 All I’m waiting for now is for my dear Elijah to make a reappearance. I’m going to stray off topic a bit and ask a question that could be bugging all of us…How did Klause kill that werewolf girl and not hear April’s frantic heartbeat? Also how in the world did April get there? …so many questions so little time ….But I’m going to post the promo for the come back episode and I will speak for all of us when I say it’s going to be epic. Enjoy 😀